
Disclaimer, General Service Agreement, Terms of Service:

Allstar Loacating, LLC (Allstar) is committed to providing our customers the most accurate utility locating service available.  Allstar employs state of the art electromagnetic signal tracing and radar imaging technologies.  However, no method of underground utility locating can guarantee 100% accuracy.  Many variables including soil type and moisture content can adversely affect the ability of our equipment to find and trace utilities. Furthermore, on rare occasions we may not able to locate utility lines. Some utilities simply can not be located.  If we can’t find it, we’re confident no one else can either.

For best results, clients should provide the following information…

  • Access to all buildings within or around the area of locating
  • On-site contact information for questions if needed
  • Copies of any as-built drawings or site plans

The more information you can provide the more complete and efficient we’ll be!

Allstar shall not be held liable for excavation related damages to any utility not shown on prints, maps, site plans, as-built drawings or any other documents provided.  Allstar specializes in locating private utilities not owned or maintained by local electric, telecommunications, gas, water, or sewer operators and we assume no liability for excavation related damages to any utility owned or maintained by public utility providers.

Clients should always call the public 811 one-call system before you dig anywhere in the United States-it’s the law.  Public utility companies will locate (at no charge to client) primary public utilities to property metering device or main connection point.  Allstar will not accept liability for damages to utilities covered by 811 contracts or due to any clients failure to comply with calling 811.  In most cases, once the utility passes through a property metering device or other main connection points, it becomes the property owner’s responsibility.  Call Allstar today for a free no hassle quote on all your private locating needs!

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